My Verdict! You Can Gain Mastery in Every Area of Life
I once read a story about a young athlete in the high jump category. While training, the athlete experienced some difficulty in jumping over a particular height. He will run close to the bar, measure himself against it and then go back to the starting point.
After attempting and hesitating several times, he asked his coach. "How do I go over this bar? I feel I should be able to go over it but I do not know how?" The coach’s response was: "Son, throw your heart over the bar and your body will go over it."
What a remarkable story!
The coach was teaching this athlete that to gain mastery over hurdles he must first gain mastery in his mind.
And come to think of it, there are certain key areas of life that you have to gain mastery over if you really want to be successful in whatever you do. When you neglect one, even though the effect may not be obvious now, it would certainly catch up with you. Just a matter of time!
Your life is like a vehicle running on wheels and the wheels have to be fully aligned and balanced to run smoothly. Let us assume you have a car that is running on four wheels and all must be fully gauged and functioning for that vehicle to move effectively. What happens to the car when only two wheels are functioning and aligned? Can the car move without jeopardising the entire automobile and the occupants?
Your life is like that. It runs on certain key wheels that must not only be balanced but must be aligned for it to run smoothly without stress.
The key areas to take note of include: Business/Career Wheel, Finance Wheel, Mental Development Wheel, Relationship Wheel, Health Wheel, Community Contribution Wheel, Spiritual Wheel, Fun Time Wheel.
When you start to plan your life based on those eight wheels, your life would take a new meaning and your progress would be qualitative.
And here is the good news!
Are there areas in your life, any of those wheels, you would like to go over the bar?
Then, this information is for you!
I have put together one event to teach you how to go over the bar and gain mastery.
Life Mastery Academy is an event designed to show you how to go over the bar and gain mastery!
What will you be taking home from this event?
Clarity of vision.
Strategies for peak performance.
Mastering career and business.
Identifying and taking opportunities.
Building strategic networks.
Financial mastery in boom and doom times.
Mastery over emotions
Is it possible to gain mastery in these areas? Absolutely yes!
That was the experience of some participants at my live seminar sometime ago.
Adenike got an insight on (how to start a business with little or no capital) financial mastery in boom and doom times
Here is her take...
"At this live seminar, the coach dissected the meaning of capital to me. When he said, it is not all the time you need money to get things done, integrity and goodwill can serve as a substitute for money."
Great! That is what I am talking about.
Now, have you tried all you can to achieve more but success seems elusive?
This was Metere’s reality until he met with me at the event.
Read what he has to say...
"Now, I know that success is not an illusion or far-fetched. Because once you make that connection with someone who has been through what you are going through, you will gain the knowledge he has gained and not make the same mistakes he made. If the coach can do it, I can do it too"
Or perhaps you have many ideas but do not know where to start?
Ololade was like that too but at my life seminar, she gained clarity.
"Sometimes I have a pool of ideas; I am wondering which to do. And in the process, I end up doing nothing. But at this seminar, I was able to put it together to know the first step to take because he said something that struck me “Start first, make that call, take that first step."
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