John 11:25-26

"I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in me though he may die, yet shall he live. But he who believes and lives in me shall never die. Do you believe this?"

How can Lord? How can we believe this if we don't even understand these deep words? Yes we know that you are challenging us to check them up and see what they mean, for they unfold something essential to our Christian experience.

For so many years, this scripture had me confused. I propounded my theories and gave my interpretation...until the Light of the Holy Spirit broke out for me. And i ask you to join me as we attempt to explore this in bits.

"Though he MAY die"

Yes, all things being equal, the gospel is expected to offer a Death package to those who accept it. No! Not the kind of death you might be thinking. And no! This is no sad news. God’s offer of death is always a means to an end. He has life in view, but presents death in the interim. Contrary to the expectation of some, it is death first, then Life! Death First, then Life! God doesn’t intend to mix the Old and New creations. God will have no negotiation with the Old creation; He must totally terminate it, for the safety of His work. He won’t pour new wine into old wineskin. So, you and I can expect that If the Gospel takes it course, it will present Death to many existing operations in our life. But do not forget, it is so that the way might be paved for true life to come there.

I think the Lord uses the word “May” here because not everyone who believes will give an allowance to this to happen, and some by this refusal will jeopardize the progressive installation of life. We die daily, so that our evolution might be sure. Death is the secret of Emancipation. Death is the secret of Evolution. When we die in an operation of redemption, something leaves, a new thing replaces it, and whaala! We have evolved!

Although this is Heaven’s expectation, yet it is “a MAY thing”. It is not guaranteed that everyone will allow it to happen, and God will not force it. Yes He will try hard. Everyone has to let him.

Stay with me!


(C) Faith Oluwagbesan
April 2019


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