The Award for the "GREATEST MAN EVER BORN OF A WOMAN" has long been given already. Don't look forward to it!

Guess what?

It is not Jeff Bezos. It's Not Rockefeller. Not Steve Jobs. Not Albert Einstein. Not Napoleon Bonarparte, not Abraham Lincoln not Adolf Hitler. It is still not Martin Luther King Jnr nor Nelson Mandela.

Most likely, it's not anyone on your list.

Let me whisper the answer right into your ears...It's John the Baptist!....shhhh....Yes, John the Baptist! The very one who ushered in the Messiah. See Matt.11:11.

The focus now is for those born of the spirit. The least person in the Kingdom is greater than our Award winner. This is because the Kingdom, i mean the Divine Family, is God's ultimate plan. And now that it is here, those related to it are those who matter.

True greatness is measured by my relatedness and contribution to God's plan. A mentor of mine said " *God is the only legitimate builder* ." _Whatever my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be uprooted_. In the end, only those whose planting is related to God's planting and those whose pursuits are related to God's pursuits shall matter. It's so important to understand what God is up to. _Whosoever doeth the will of God abideth forever._ The man who connects and contributes to God's plan shall be the last man standing.

We can begin to catch a new meaning for relevance.


(C)Faith Oluwagbesan
April 2019


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