Q and A
Why did Jesus ask the disciples to tarry for the promise of the father?
The Holy Spirit is not kept somewhere to be released, Never.
He is One with the Father and with Christ Jesus, John 17. Matthew 3 the Holy Spirit was in Jesus and led Him into the wilderness... Matthew 4, the Holy Spirit came like a dove not a dove after the proclamation, "this is my beloved son..." And you also remember that some of the disciples like Peter was influenced by the Holy Spirit to prophesy, "...who do you say I am? You are the Son of God... Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but My Father..."
So when Jesus Christ said I ask the Father in John 16, remember He (Jesus) was with them and His ascension into heaven is not that He is not with us, He is with us in the Spirit because He is One with the Holy Spirit and with the Father, John 17:20-21. He also told them I am with you always even to the end of the age Matthew 28:20.
The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is a fulfilment of the Prophecy in Joel. Remember it is the Outpouring because this is not the first time He has come into God's children–like David... So the prophecy in Joel has to be fulfilled and that fulfilment was on the Pentecost.
Don't forget that the Holy Spirit is One with Jesus Christ and with the Father.
Ephesians 1:1-14 (especially verse 14) said having believed we were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Immediately this tells me there's no other work of Salvation to be done anymore from anyone.
So anytime anyone anywhere receives Jesus Christ by Faith the Holy Spirit fills that person. And Faith can only come when Jesus Christ is preached, and taught because He said the words that I speak to you they are life and spirit. So, that tells us that immediately Jesus is preached which is the gospel (that He dead according to the scriptures, was buried and was raised according to the scriptures 1 Corinthians 15:1-3) the Holy Spirit fills us, for some it will be the first time (because they just believed) and for some it continues, Acts 4:31 immediately the apostles prayed they were filled with the Holy Spirit, Acts 6:4, the Apostles said we will give ourselves to the ministry of the Word and prayer, what does this tell you, the more they do these the more they are filled with the Holy Spirit. And this is also applicable to us now.
Remember the church in the Scriptures didn't pray for the Holy Spirit to come, NO rather they were filled more and more.
Now on this last note. When the time is fully come that our bodies receives immortality, 1 Corinthians 15:42-58, what do you think that means?
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