
The Word for Today: Soteria

Pronunciation:so-tay-ree'-ah Definition: From the same as good news (evangelize) declare good tidings. A good message. Soteria (Salvation) is derived from soter (a deliverer that is God or Christ: Savior) and also later derived from a Greek word sozo (to save that is deliver or protect). This means the word Salvation is not just about to save alone but about the Savior, little wonder Jesus said...the scriptures the things concerning Himself. Luke 24:27. Matt. 1:21, "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins". And the parting words of Jesus to His disciples in Matt. 28:18-28, ...teach all nations... teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:.... In view of this the sermons of the disciples (apostles) was concerning Him, all that He done and all that He has given. And we can see clearly that everything right after the book of Acts, they taught the nations the things concerning ...

7 Steps for Judging Prophecy By Kenneth E. Hagin

   1. By their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them: Matthew 7:15, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, 2 Peter 2:1-3, Matthew 7:15-20 2. Does It Glorify Christ? John 16:14, Revelation 19:10, 1 Corinthians 12:3, 1 John 4:1-2  3. Does It Agree With The Scriptures? 2 Peter 1:21 4. Are Their Prophecies Fulfilled? Deuteronomy 18:20-22 5. Not All Prophecies Are of God, even though they may come to pass. If it doesn’t draw people towards God, it’s not of God: Deuteronomy 13:1-5 6. Does It Produce Liberty or Bondage? 2 Corinthians 4:13, Romans 8:15, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 11:20, Acts 20:28-30,  7. The Anointing Abides in You: 1 John 2:20,27


The study of God, which we call theology is the very backbone of the study of the scriptures. And the arrowhead of this study is to make us effective believers...both iin our conduct in this world, and our service to God. To put it simply, we study scriptures to know the truth about God, so that we can learn to behave like God in this world. This certainly drives home a salient point: spiritual growth will definitely influence human behavior! That said. A major fact of God's character revealed as we study through what we call the old and new testament books is the tolerance of God. It appears to me that God intentionally makes a very bold statement about himself in this regard. Dictionary-wise, tolerance is defined as the ability or willingness to tolerate existence or opinions or behaviors that one dislikes or disagrees with.  The way God always "came down" to the level of the people He related with in the scriptures, working with them at their level of understanding, gi...

Q and A

Question: Why did Jesus ask the disciples to tarry for the promise of the father? Answer: The Holy Spirit is not kept somewhere to be released, Never. He is One with the Father and with Christ Jesus, John 17. Matthew 3 the Holy Spirit was in Jesus and led Him into the wilderness... Matthew 4, the Holy Spirit came like a dove not a dove after the proclamation, "this is my beloved son..." And you also remember that some of the disciples like Peter was influenced by the Holy Spirit to prophesy, "...who do you say I am? You are the Son of God... Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but My Father..." So when Jesus Christ said I ask the Father in John 16, remember He (Jesus) was with them and His ascension into heaven is not that He is not with us, He is with us in the Spirit because He is One with the Holy Spirit and with the Father, John 17:20-21. He also told them I am with you always even to the end of the age Matthew 28:20. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit i...

30 Days of Glory: Soteria 7

For over six years now Dr. Abel Damina has been going deeply into the Word in the context of Salvation as the theme of the sort after programme Soteria. This year comes with much clarity about the deep things of God revealed through the Holy Spirit to the Saints across the world via the media. For some people who will be joining this life changing conference, if you have any question(s) concerning Salvation, do send a mail to Power City International to order for previous editions of Soteria 1–6 . Live on: Facebook: Youtube:

The Resurrection Is The Promise.

  Acts 13:26-35 "...And we declare to you  glad tidings - that promise which was made to the fathers. God has fulfilled this for us their children, IN THAT HE HAS RAISED UP JESUS . As it is also written in the second Psalm:   You are My Son  Today I have begotten You. (Verse 32-33 of our text) It is intriguing to discover what the real promise is. What God promised to the Patriarchs, the Fathers, the Predecessors of our Faith. It was not It was not generational wealth. It was not political power. It was not social affluence. It was the Resurrection. The Resurrection is the promise; the mother of promises if we understand it The things that turned dead through Adam, God promised to bring back to life. The Resurrection would be the platform. When he time was ripe, the sign would be this - God would raise His first son from death so that He would be the FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD. And lead other things to follow suit shortly after. The Fathers must have been ecstatic in pa...

Walking in the Spirit

Lord God Almighty came down to save from sin and (glory be to God), we are saved from the consequences of sin, in that, no longer slaves to sin but have been purxhased with a price, precious price, the Blood of Jesus (His sacrifice paid for our sin once and for all). Romans 6:1-2, what shall we say then? Shall continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How can we who died to sin live any longer in it? Death there means without life, how can we that are dead to sin live in it? It is not possible because we've been translated from darkness into marvelous light (read: 1Peter 2:9-10). So, we walk in the light as our Father is in the light . Walking in the Spirit is the best way to get a best of the Christian life. What does this tell you, Romans 8:1‭-‬4 AMP, "Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]. For the law of the Spirit of life [which...

Conscious and Guidance

John Hagee  00:00 John Hagee - Conscious and Guidance.mp3 Download  Audio  |  Video What is Conscience? Conscience is a God-given instrument so that we can determine right from wrong in a spiritual matter. Conscience is the lamp of God, saying, this is the way: walk in it. Conscience doesn't say, well, I need 4.000 people saying, "This is the way". You only need the Word of God to lead you, to say, "This is the way". Conscience is the compass of the soul. Conscience is God's umpire that's in your heart. And when you violate the law of God, your conscience hounds you. It will turn your posturepedic bed into a bed of hot coals. Your conscience will do that. A quiet conscience can sleep in thunder. A clear conscience is like a mighty fortress in the day of battle. What made Adam and Eve hide from God in the garden? Conscience. They knew he said don't eat this forbidden fruit. They did it, and they ran, a...


It is in dealing (transacting) with a person that the deep elements of his character are revealed to us. We can claim only little knowledge of someone we have not dealt with. This is how important it is to deal with God and to be dealt with by Him. It makes what we have read about Him richer and deeper. Knowledge obtained from dealing (transacting) with God is always a living and tangible knowledge. It takes Revelation Knowledge to Relational knowledge. The way to it is to deal with God - engage Him on the issues of His word as to see its effect in our lives. And to persist on having His feedback. This is where the work is. It might require that we ask again and again, and that we keep asking until we get God's feedback. What we will obtain along the way  is a new knowledge of God. For the greatest thing God gives us in answering our prayers is not even the answer to our prayers but a new knowledge of Himself. A man who wants to know God's will, or get God's feedback, or ...


Scriptural Knowledge often is the starting point of Spiritual Knowledge. It is not all there is to it though. What Jesus prescribed is Knowing The Scriptures and Knowing The Power of God (how God works, in practice, concerning a thing), Matt. 22:29. There are those, though, who know the power of God ( how God works) concerning a thing before knowing the scriptures concerning it. It's like meeting a Person One-on-One and seeing Him at work before having the opportunity to read his profile. Even the Scriptures, there is a question upon our knowledge of it. We shouldn't be too sure of ourselves, but probe and ask the Holy Spirit to help our understanding. The disciples, up until the day of Jesus' Resurrection, did not understand that Jesus was to rise from the dead. Quite shocking! They had been with Him, and He had told them in different ways, yet they didn't get it. " They still did not understand from scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead." Jo...