Rest is an assurance state that nothing evil is permitted to penetrate your life neither fear nor sorrow, it is rest assured by Jesus. The word rest can be explained again as peace; remember Jesus said peace I give not as the world gives, in this world you will face tribulations take heart (rest your mind) I have overcome the world1.
The Greek word for “rest” is katapausis equivalent to the Hebrew word Noah (Heb. 4:1). Anapuasis, “rest from weariness” (Matt. 11:28). Anesis “relaxation” (2 Thess. 1:7). Sabbatismos, a Sabbath rest, a rest from all work (Heb. 4:9; Revised Version “Sabbath”), a rest like that of God when He had finished the work of creation.
The assurance and the reassurance of rest is only activated in believing God for rest, which He has promised in His words. When God rested the seventh day He did nothing at all – nothing, rather He stayed off to get rest from work – the question may arise was God tired? No, but He simplify didn’t do anything. During that time, there was no trouble, no problem-arising. God did nothing. In same way, He can give rest to you when you go to Him – knowing that you can’t do it yourself rather believing Him to give you rest from all that troubles and problems.
God said that don’t worry for anything to eat, drink or wear rather seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and what you need will be giving you3 – this things that will be giving you will only come if you can go to Him through His Son, Jesus (I am the way, the truth and life no one comes to the Father except through Me2) you will have rest and no worrying anymore and you will be able to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness easily. All God’s blessings will be yours, following you all the days of your life4.

References: 1John 16:33  2John 14:6 3Matthew 6:25-34 4Psalm 23.


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