Dead Works Deprive us of Life.
We can miss the bulk-load of intensity in spiritual activity when we have missed the intention (the right intention). Which matters more? The length of a spiritual activity or its intensity? Does a Soul caught away in the spirit of prayer realize how many hours has gone by? Yet we can hinder ourselves by being too conscious of the duration-point we are trying to score. What are we trying to achieve? Who are we trying to impress? And what points are we trying to prove?
Yes we have read of many who thrived in long hours of fellowship with God. How did they do it? Did they try to ACHIEVE it or did they lean on the Holy Spirit to carry them through? Isn't it that they tasted of the life that can be found in spiritual communion, began to long for it and became "addicted" to it? And then when they missed it, they knew something was missing.
"In your presence....there are PLEASURES (ecstasies if you like) forevermore" Psalm 16:11.
(Emphasis mine)
I'll say two things about the flow of Life. The first is Intensity. The Second - Spontaneity. Every spiritual activity can be like this.
Concerning prayer, for instance, my soul can be immersed in the heart to heart conversation i'm having with the Heavenly Father. My heart is expressing itself and stressing its points. And God is touching its fervency. It's always so powerful....And then at any point in the day, my tongues might itch again and my spiritual nerves might beckon for some reflex action of prayer. I must let it out, if I'm not religious; whatever could have triggered it. I'll pray in the room and I'll pray on the road and I'll pray everywhere prayer beckons. There is life within and it must take its course.
I speak not against having things structured or observing routines or having great spiritual ambition. Get me right. I'm simply saying - Let them not obstruct the flow of Life.
God forbid that we should despise works. "We are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus for GOOD WORKS which God purposed in advance that we should walk in" Eph.2:10.
This, we cannot dispute.
Our abhorrence is not for WORKS altogether but for DEAD WORKS, for Faith produces works. Faith in its unadulterated form is not found idle. It produces works, Rom. 7:4. Ultimately, it doesnt TALK, it also WORKS.
Faith alone Justifies. But Faith producing works sanctifies. All redemptive work have origin from Faith but not all stop with Faith. We reckon with Faith-produced works as a pathway for sanctification. Faith must birth works, though we maintain that all must still be of Faith. And that all must be traceable to the Finished works of Christ.
To "Abide in Christ" is "to not" identify with that which cannot be traced to His Finished works. It is to lean on what He has procured strictly. And nothing outside that purview. And "to not" step outside the cover of His procurements...It sure has a promise - CHRIST IN ME (Manifestation). "ME IN CHRIST" holds a reward of "CHRIST IN ME."
"Abide in Me and I in You" John 15:4
The Living Bible renders it this way:
"Take care to live in me, and let me live in you..."
Paul says " A MAN IS
But James says "..A MAN IS JUSTIFIED BY WORKS". James 2:24
Do not be startled. It is not a war of words. And each man is not contradicting the other. Paul deals with the BASIS of Justification. But Elder James deals with the PROOF of Justification. James says:
"If you have Faith, prove it."
"If you have been justified, justify it....have It justified that you have been justified"
"Justify your justification"
"Give us a justification of your justification"
Save for his choice of words, my little study shows me that James has Sanctification in mind instead; even the outworking of our Faith.
Justification is in the sight of God. There is no third party. But sanctification is commended to the sight of men. No man can see how God's justification of another. But the work of sanctification can certainly not be hidden. The Lord Jesus grew In favour with God and In favour with men, Luke 2:52. His favour with God was quickly succeeded, commended and justified In his favour with men.
In Justification, there are no works, Faith alone avails. A man must receive his justification by Faith. But in sanctification, there are works.
(C) Faith Oluwagbesan
Entering Rest
December 2018
© Pastor Faith Oluwagbesan
Lead Pastor, FGC CWB
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