My third recourse to Revelation : *It Fast-tracks the Future!* _"the time is coming and NOW is."_ In the hour of Revelation, the _"time that is coming_ " can *NOW* be. It can, from tomorrow, be today. For Revelation closes the gap and hastens the time. We may, through Revelation, enter into age-long promises and make their day of fulfillment TODAY.
Jesus enters the Synagogue on Saturday having recently returned from that " _desert experience_ ". He is to read the scriptures and the scrolls of Isaiah are handed to Him. He reads from Isaiah 61:1
_"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, He has appointed Me to preach Good News to the poor; he has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted and to announce that captives shall be released and the blind shall see, that the downtrodden shall be freed from their oppressors, and that God is ready to give blessings to all who come to Him."_
It is Revelation! A message unto Him. Brought alive to Him! Made alive to His inner senses! Read in the 1st-person pronoun. He enters into it and owns it. Friend, by the time He closes the book, all eyes are on Him. And the people intently suspect that the read scripture must have to do with Him. Luke 4:16-21.
Then He wraps it. He says: *"THESE SCRIPTURES CAME TRUE TODAY!"* What audacity!; the audacity of Revelation. Today, is the day of Revelation, these scriptures can no longer wait.
We too may fulfill scriptures and _"interfere"_ with the celestial schedule, because Revelation bridges the wide chasm between Time and Eternity.
(C) Faith Oluwagbesan
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