...and you shall be MY WITNESSES..."Acts 1:8
Witnesses needed! I do not necessarily refer to Evangelists. That would make you picture only a small group of people. Whereas the Lord addresses a wider group here; all those He chose. They shall become witnesses. He is not satisfied till they become such. It's His very " _dream_ ".
_"...And you shall be my WITNESSES..."_
_"...In Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the Earth."_
Witnesses! Not story tellers or Narrators!
He knew well the sophistication of the World which they were called to capture. Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria are too sophisticated for anything less than witnessing. Talk less of the Ends of the Earth. Mere preaching won't cut it, they will have to be witnesses.
Perhaps we are not penetrating the systems of this World order because we are not witnesses. Many of us are 3rd parties to the truth and 5th parties to the gospel. We carry what we were told by people who were also absent at the scene. So we report what was reported to us by people who also only received a report. Coated with quotes! We have not been shown the issues by direct briefing (Matt. 16:17).
You ask me the difference? Well, a witness is one who has a living message in his mouth. Sight is the reason. He saw it! He has been made to see the fact with his own eyes and therefore has become a 1st party to the subject.
Wonder why the disciples could defend the gospel with their very lives? They were witnesses! They saw it all; all of Jesus' ministry. It wasn't reported to them. They touched and handled the substances.
They were 1st parties. Now, it's hard to make such men recant their experiences and encounters. It's hard to make a witness deny facts. He saw it. He wasn't just told. He was there, he can defend the facts with his very life. No one can take what he saw from him, and no one can shut it off his mouth.
He must speak about what he has seen. And it is often so graphic in his mouth. He describes it so powerfully that his audience must pay attention. He makes it personal with all the fabric of his emotions. This is what Revelation does to us. It brings everything in the gospel to us live from the scene. It makes the Bible alive to us and puts light in our mouths. Revelation makes you an alibi of the truth.
Permit me to draw your thoughts towards it shortly.
©Faith Oluwagbesan
June 2019
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