Live the life, which is more glorifying in the blessedness of God our Father who has bless us with all His. Sometimes we long for a place of more and a place of replenish and don't get more but the heart filled with gratitude will receive more of what he or she desires.

What the Lord Jesus has done, is doing and will do are all from Himself to us, because He is Love and prospers us with His awesome Self (Love). From Genesis to Revelation He has shown Himself that He is rich in Himself (Love) and mercy to make us just like Himself. In Genesis 1:26, "And God said, Let Us [Father, Son, Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness,..." So we are His in the truth of His Words that we are god (love) who must not glory in himself or herself but ascribes all the glory to the Almighty God in honour of Him. In this manner we show forth humility to Him just like His Son, Jesus Christ, whom has fulfilled the law and it provisions, and made us His (those who believe in Him). Jesus Christ is humble (Philippines 2:5-9), in Him we derive our humility in Honour to God Almighty. Amen.


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