We have heard so many differing views about Tithing, both from the Law Perspective and the Grace Perspective, that some New Testament believers are now stuck somewhere in the line. Please permit me to refer you to a perspective that remains solid and sure; one that is up for little or no debates.
Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10.
We are shown by the ageless wits of Solomon that Giving and Tithing are Honor Issues. Oh the Lord knows very well - It is a Honor issue! Again, It is a Honor Issue! It will take nothing less than the ingredients of Honour for a man to excel in this virtue (Tithing particularly).
Please be sure that Tithing still comes with a promise. It never ceased to. Before God, it will never become casual. "...So your barns will be filled with plenty..." What does this mean to me? "If you continue this way and if you continue to do this thing, you will end up filling your life with abundance." ( I didn't say it works like magic).
Good intentions are not good enough. Those who practice honor are doing so because of sacrifice. Sacrifice makes Honour possible. Honour can be tough at times, because it requires sacrifice.
Can you imagine what men do to honour other men? Do you know how far some men go just to honor other men? Men travel over the seas and across continents just to show up for a man they truly honor. They don't have to be on demand or to carry out any important assignment in the supposed occassion. In fact, the "Honouree" needs not to have done anything lately to deserve the efforts. What he did many years back, to earn it, is good enough.
" Thou art worthy O God to receive glory, honour and power for thou created all things, and by your will they exist." Rev. 4:11
God needs not to do anything now to deserve the honour. It doesn't make a difference whether or not He has done something recently. What He did thousands of years back is enough! What He did before TIME began is just enough. Please note that He did something to earn it. He created everything that exists. For Honour is always earned, it is never gifted.
Looking for a reason why God deserves your Tithing? Here it is "HE IS THE LORD YOUR GOD." That is the reason! He is the title-owner of the Heavens and the Earth. He owns the copyright, patent and intellectual property for all of creation. Any other reason? None for Now! That One reason is good enough!
GOOD INTENTION is one of the most abundant things in existence. But on its own, it has never made anything better. What good is it, if you have the good intention of taking care of your parents as the Bible charges, but you have not done anything about it? Has your good intention helped their situation? What good is it if you have the good intention of Tithing but you eventually don't?
I too had very good intentions those many months (years back) when I missed Tithing. I piled the tithes up until I could no longer pay them. Then I would go back to God to request for a fresh start. "Lord please wipe the slate, let us start all over again. I'll do better next year. Let's start from January". You know what I mean? ....But for how long? Things wouldn't have changed if I didn't become intentional. Those who are excelling in the virtue of tithing are confronted with the same challenge. It's called HONOUR!
HONOUR doesn't mean that there are no other options. HONOUR doesn't mean that there are no other bills to be paid. HONOUR means that I have chosen a certain option first. It means that I have chosen one option above the others. The option I choose among others is the option I honour. What I am willing to forgo other things for is what I truly Honour.
True Honour is seen by the alternatives forgone. And when we see the many things you have forgone just to attend to a certain thing, we will agree that truly you have HONOURED that thing.
Have a Fruitful Day!
(C)Faith Oluwagbesan
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