Living By Faith
The works we do in our faith today are not done to receive Christ, that we have already done. It is as we walk with Him in fellowship that He teaches us how to live on the earth. He shows us things no man's eye has ever seen nor ear heard, all by His Spirit in us. He shows us the true meaning of things we've long observed without understanding their true purpose. It is this walk in His wisdom that produces results and fruits in our lives that attract others. They ask us how are you getting things done this way, our reply is "you must be born-again" without being born of the Spirit you neither can see nor enter into these things. Does this please God, the works we do today, does it gladden His heart, Is He delighted in such children? Absolutely and in every sense. Why else will Paul pray, that we may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that we may walk worthy of Him unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work? ...